
Talk to me about oversupply and block feeding

I am dealing with engorgement and an oversupply which I think came from having to feed, pump, and supplement early on.  The LC has me feeding 2x's on each side and then switching. I have frozen milk so I do not want to pump and save the oversupply until I can get my supply to regulate and stop being in pain.

 How long should it take to regulate doing the block feeding?  Is it true that with a regulated supply I should not feel too full/engorged unless I go too long between a feeding?   That would be amazing!  Once my supply regulates can I offer both sides again?

 DD only gained 3oz last week which is low.  Could that be a result of the oversupply and getting too much foremilk?  How do I get ger sucking stamina up?  She is a lazy sucker since she is used to milk pouring in.  When she decides to be done she clamps her mouth shut and nothing I do gets her to keep going.  I was so happy to be full time BF, but I feel like I am failing her with her low weight gain :(

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