
1st day back to work and just not getting the let down ::cries::

So our second child, Ashley, is 9 weeks old today and my first day back to work. I pumped both boobs at 9AM and got 5.5 oz. Pumped again at noon but only got 1.5 oz. Just not getting the let down. This sucks so bad. It's 2:30 PM now and am getting engorged. Soo not good. I called daycare and she only took 3 oz at 9 and 3 oz at noon but they think she only took that little due to gas. Ugggg. I told them my pumping problem and they said they would give her an oz or two if she wants it but they will do their best to make sure they have a hungry baby ready fro me so I can feed her the second I get home.

Here's what I am doing:

 Using a heating pad while pumping

Pumping for 20 min or so until it stops or if several minutes pass without a let down.

I slow the cycling down when the let down starts then speed it back up after it stops.

Anyone else out there in my boat?

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