
spec of blood in poop / eliminate dairy?

If you've eliminated diary- how did you do it and why?

My LO has has had a tiny bit of blood in his stool- It happened when he was a couple weeks old and went away so I thought nothing of it.

It happened again last week and so I took him to the doctor. She wasn't all that worried- didn't even run any tests, but said if it keeps happening the next step would be to eliminate dairy. It happened again today. :(

A part of me thinks it's no big deal- he's happy, not fussy or in pain, and gaining plenty of weight. His poops are normal color/consistency other than the spec of blood. He's not having any skin issues.

Another part of me doesn't want to ignore it if there is a problem- but eliminating dairy from my diet would be really hard- could I start with just milk and still have cheese and yogurt? Plus I will cry if I can't give him the milk in my freezer stash.

I don't really know what I'm looking for from you guys, but I just wanted other peoples perspectives.

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