
busy wknd=decrease in already low supply :(

I've had supply issues from day 1.  I had some luck w/ GoLacta which doubled my supply, but this still wasn't enough because it was so low.  I've tried taking this herbal again to increase supply, but it has had no effect.  I so desperately want to give DD more than what I do, but I've had to come to the realization that there's only so much I can do.  I give her what I can & supplement the rest; at least I'm giving her some. 

We had a busy wknd, so I didn't do any pumping & I only nursed DD every other feeding because that way I have enough for a full feeding.  I realize this is exactly what not to do, but I didn't think it would have such a dramatic effect so quickly!  my supply is waaay down.  I power pumped this morning & plan to do so again after work & keep doing these power sessions for a few days in hopes it will bring my supply back up.  I had considered not pumping anymore @ all & just nursing DD in the evenings to take some of the stress off me, but now I'm stressed because if my supply will drop that low in a few days, I would probably dry up & not be able to nurse in the evenings if I give up pumping during the day.

Feel like I'm stuck between a rock & hard place right now.  I want to give DD what I can, but I've also been struggling to do it, making it stressful for me.  I don't know if I should work extra hard to try to get my supply back or just throw in the towel & give myself credit for what I've done.  If I do decide to work for it, I don't even know what else to try since most of the things they suggest haven't really worked in the past for me.  I realize this is a decision only I can make, but I guess I'm looking for a little sympathy/empathy from those in the same position.

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