1st Trimester

1st appointment info. (total noob ? I know)

ok, I know this is a total noob post and there is stuff about it all over the web, but I want some real women perspectives on this. What are some of the things I can expect to happen during my first appointment? Like what kinds of tests and things, (especially baring in mind I've never even been to a gyno)? And what are some things I should bare in mind to talk to my doctor about since this will be the first time she's meeting, let alone treating me? I'm just curious so I'm not surprised I hate surprises,especially at the doctor, I'm not a fan of doctors so I don't really know how to handle this stuff.


also, my mother told me the fact that when I was born she was RH negative might be relevant, is this something I should tell my doc or even something that will affect me, I know it sounds dumb, but I don't even know what it means.

Thanx in advance,

Dani Z.

BabyFruit Ticker
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