
Nursing to sleep?

Hey everyone, I've been almost exclusively (sometimes we share an avocado or peas) breastfeeding my son since birth and have a great nighttime routine. However, I'm wondering if it's going to become a problem when we reach the point of weening later on.

Every night he has an hour of play time with dad followed by bath time with me and then we do hugs and kisses before going into his room where he nurses to satisfaction and I give him a last kiss and lay him down in bed.

Sometimes he falls asleep while I'm nursing him but the majority of the times he's awake when I lay him down and falls asleep within 10 minutes of either hanging out or babbling.

My question/concern is if there will be issues with his sleep when we reach the point where he no longer breastfeeds. Will it be as simple as going from hugs and kisses straight to laying down or should I move his last nursing to before bath time now so that the direct transition into bed isn't tied to eating/cuddling.

Any input would be fantastic. 

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