1st Trimester

New here & already freaking out!

Hi ladies, this is my first time posting here. I got my first BFP yesterday at 10dpo after my second cycle of Clomid.  Throughout the day, I started feeling a pain on my lower right side. This is something that happens to me before AF arrives.  The pain didn't go away, and we started to worry (probably overreacting, but still) so we went to the ER last night.  They said that since my LMP was May 12, I am 4 weeks.  They did an u/s and couldn't see anything, but they said that was normal.  They did blood work and my HCG was 82.7.  They said it should be around 500 at 4 weeks and that if I were only 2 weeks, this would be normal. Then they started talking about ectopic pregnancies and gave me paperwork about miscarriages.  Needless to say, I left sobbing.

I know when I ovulated because I have been temping for months. Between the Clomid, temping, and OPKs, I am very confident that I was 10dpo yesterday. Based on that, would it make sense for my level to be 82.7? Has anyone else had similar levels at this stage? My temp is still high and I did another HPT this morning, with a darker line than yesterday. I will be calling my doctor tomorrow morning, but that just seems so far away right now. Sorry for rambling.
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