
12 week old STTN?

Hi Ladies,

Sorry this is so long but hopefully you ladies can offer some insight/suggestions. 

So DD has been sleeping in bed with us since she was born.  We never planned on cosleeping but it just kind of happened and I do enjoy having her in bed with us.  The past couple of nights though I have been in a really deep sleep and forgot she was in the bed.  It definitely scared the crap out of me.  I actually woke up and the covers were completely over her little head.  Thank goodness she was fine but because of that we thought it would be better to get her into her own bed. 

We have a bassinet in our room but we never had any luck with that in the beginning so we decided to try for the crib in her bedroom.  That didn't work and she ended up back in bed with us every night.  Last night, I decided that maybe it would be easier to try the bassinet again since it's in our bedroom.  I put a blanket over the mattress to make it warm and soft for her.  I placed her in about 8:00.  She just laid there at first looking around.  I kept rocking her and rocking her and eventually she fell asleep around 8:30 or so.  She never cried.  There were a couple of times she fussed a little but then went right back to sleep.

Anyway, I got up around 1:00AM to use the bathroom and she was still fast asleep in there.  She never woke up for her 11:00PM feeding.  My boobs were rock hard.  I did wake her up to eat and I brought her back into bed with me.  She was in such a deep sleep that I kept wondering if she would have kept sleeping if I didn't wake her.  

Normally when she is in bed with us, I nurse her to sleep around 9:30.  I don't count this as a feeding since she only nurses for like a couple minutes before she is out.  Then she will wake up around 11:00 and then again at 3:30 and then around 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning.  I'm really not ready to have her STTN just yet.  It's so peaceful and quiet nursing her at night and I love it.  Is it normal for a baby so little to sleep so long without eating?  Should I have just let her sleep?  I also have a bit of a low supply.  She gets about 7 oz. of formula supplement spread out through out the day.  If she is going to sleep through the night, will this mess up my overall supply if she's not taking those feedings?

Thanks Ladies! 

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