
Not doing solids yet...need some back up!(MIL related)

Mary will be six months at the end of the month, and I have no plans to introduce solids.  She is thriving on breastmilk, it is super easy, cheap, healthy, and clean (I live in a developing country.)  I love the bonding time, and just about everything that goes along with breastfeeding.  I want the transitioni to be natural and initiated by my baby.

 However,  I know I will have some critics in my family, some have been pressuring me to start rice cereal since before 4 months(mother in law).  Ok so really it is all my MIL.  The woman refuses to stop.  Every time we talk, "have you started MAry on her rice cereal?"  (which she bought even though I said we wouldn't be using it yet, and then I left it at her house after saying we wouldn't be using it yet, and she brought along to the airport to slip into my carry on) And everytime I say no, not untill after 6 months...She didn't like it that we were swaddling Mary, I think because she didn't do it with her kids, and she doesn't know how to swaddle, so she researched all the risks and cons about swaddling and tried to convince me to stop, saying "wouldn't you feel just horrible if something happed to Mary because of swaddling?"  ugh.  ANyway, back on topic, I know she will do the same with the solids.  She didn't BF, and neither did her daughters.  She wants everything done her way.   What can I tell her to back up my choice not to go right to solids at 6 months?   I don't think telling her "it just feels right"  will carry much weight.  Help me build my amunition in favor of continued EBFing!

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