
Help after C-Section

After my first csection I remember life being generally miserable for what seemed a long time. The only thing I remember distinctly is that my husband and I went out to dinner at 5 weeks post csection.Because of my history, I will be having a repeat csection with this baby. Here's my plan: My parents will come help for the first week and my husband will be home from work for the next week. For week 3 I have asked my niece (20 years old) to come help. She is very excited but wants to bring her boyfriend. I have never met him (and neither has anyone else in our family) but she really wants me to meet him. My first instinct was that I definitely didn't want a "guest" while feeling crappy but by week 3, do you think I will feel good enough to have someone I don't know staying with us for a few days?

 Update: All "helpers" except for DH will be from out of state. I don't have any family or close friends here.

=BFP#1 11/2009, It's a boy! 3/2010, Our Angel Ian born sleeping 7/3/2010 (cord accident 37w5d); BFP#2 1/2011, mmc confirmed 2/24/2011, incomplete natural mc so had D&C 3/11/2011; BFP#3 6/19/2011, natural mc 6/21/2011; BFP#4 7/15/2011, no hb at 7w5d, D&C 9/7/2011; BFP#5 2/6/2012, baby boy born on 9/27/2012 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers imageimageimage
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