
mastitis and stopping breastfeeding


 I have been breastfeeding and I recently developed mastitis in both breasts.  The breasts are soooo painful I can barely lie on them and it is going on 4 days now. I am on antibotics from the doctor, but I understand the antibotics cure the infection, not the underlying clogged duct problem.  I have been following the normal protocol, pumping all the time, applying heat and massaging but its not getting better.  '

Indeed, half the time when I pump now, my output is 1/3 of what it used to be 4 days ago, I am guessing cause the milk is not getting out from the clog? Does anyone know if that is normal with mastistis and clogged ducts?

 Also (no judgment please!) I decided I no longer am going to breastfeed.  I am not sure how to stop safely while at the same time getting rid of the current clogged ducts and then not developing mastitis or clogged ducts again when I stop.  I am concerned that the constant pumping I am doing now to unclog the ducts is just going to make stopping harder and continue the cycle. One friend advised that since I already have the clogs, I should start trying to decrease my supply now by slowly pumping less each day for a week or so since my body is already not expressing that milk.  However, I am concerned then that these clogged ducts will never heal since the only thing I heard to make them better is to pump and nurse more and more. Catch 22?  I dont even know how to effectively ask my question since I am just soooo confused with what to do! I want the pain to stop and I want pumping and breastfeeding to be over with as soon as possible!

Any advice is much appreciated.



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