
Weight Gain

I am breastfeeding and supplementing with formula since LO hadn't gained an ounce after 2 weeks of EBF. We have been supplementing for a week and I am trying to BF more and doing my best to avoid giving formula as much as possible.

1. My concern is that I fed him and fed him for those 2 weeks and he didn't gain. So, how will I know when/if I can stop giving formula? I want him to gain the proper amount of weight and if possible faze out the formula.

His next doctor's appt isn't until he is 2 months old. At home, I figured I could weigh myself, then weigh with him to subtract and get his weight. Won't be perfectly accurate, but at least I will have an idea of what he is gaining. 

2. Is it worth the money to invest in an infant scale?


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