
Doc says baby is too big for vaginal delivery and is opting of C section

So at 34 weeks my baby boy was weighing in at an estimated 5lbs via the ultrasound..My doctor scheduled another ultra sound at 36 weeks and his estimated weight is 8.5lbs right now, soooo my docotor gave me this huge talk about shoulder dystocia and all the complications that could arise if i decided to have him vaginally. I feel like Im stuck between a rock and a hard place with this decision. My family has had large babys and Im not a small lady 5'7 healthy and i definatly by no means have tiny hips. I really want a natural birth, this is my first baby, and I just want to do whats right. I don't want to put my child at risk buttttt theres risks with a c section....should i get a second opinion?  should i just go with the flow doctor knows best? Help Plzzzz!!!
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