1st Trimester

slow rising hcg

On Tuesday I went to the doctor because I started to have some bleeding(I was 5 weeks 4 days). She did an exam and said my cervix was still closed and we saw a gestational sac on the ultrasound so she had my hcg level checked then rechecked on Thursday. It only went from 7103 to somewhere in the 8000's (can't remember exactly what) and I was told that this probably wasn't a good pregnancy because it didn't come close to doubling and to be prepared for a miscarriage or possible ectopic pregnancy. I know you can't always trust what you read online but from what I've been reading above 6000 can take more than 96 hours to double and that you shouldn't use hcg to determine viability past that point. Has anyone else had similar results and have/had a healthy pregnancy? I go back on Monday for another blood draw and on Tuesday for another ultrasound. I'm just not to give up hope completely.
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