Dads & Dads-to-be

Seasoned Dads...

Hey Dads,

seems our boy hates his dad.  i returned to work this past weekend, just 1 day a week so far. soon i will be working 3 days again. after just one day, our 6 wk old screamed and cried the entire time that i was gone. as soon as i got home to hold him, he immediately calmed down. this has gone on for 4 days in a row now that i cant set him down. now day 5, he is calm and i can set him down whenever almost, but the hub still cant hold him or calm him down. i fear for a relapse this weekend when i am scheduled to work again. have any of you guys experienced this?  what did you do to create a bond with your baby?

 *** PLEASE leave me input Thanks

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