1st Trimester

okay body... make up your mind!

It sure does seem like different parts of my body are working against me right now...

So one of my co-workers just brought me lunch (Chick-fil-A... OMG. SO GOOD! lol) and I felt like I was starving before they got here so I was so happy to finally get to eat! I pigged out on my sandwich, ate half of the extremely large amount of fries they got me, and started chugging the sweet tea too...

NOWWW I have to pee and feel slighty sick. Lol. The having to pee isn't out of the norm, BUT I swear this baby does NOT like fried foods! We went out to eat the other day and I took ONE bite of something fried and almost puked. I honestly find this absolutely hilarious because LOs dad loves fast food... and it's funny that he loves it because he is SUPER fit! Lol! Also, LO apparently doesn't like me drinking coffee anymore (even decaf!) which is just insane because LOs dad and I sit in bed and drink a cup every morning. Ugh... I think LO is conspiring against us. In all honesty, I have a VERY strong feeling it's a girl and that she is going to be every bit as hardheaded as I am! YIKES!

Other than all the peeing and m/s... My boobs can NOT make up their minds about if they want to be sore or not! lol. 

And I'm finally starting to become a little bit hormonal. lol.

Anyone else out there feel like they are being pulled in different directions by their body? Or what's your weird craving?

Mine? The other day I went to get groceries and found myself drooling at the thought of kettle corn when I walked past the popcorn. I had to buy some! Strange thing is, I don't like kettle corn. Lol! 

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