1st Trimester

A few questions about the first visit (with nurse)

With my son we got to at least have a sonogram with the first appointment. I am going to a hospital based midwife with this baby (OB with my son) and they told me I would just be visiting with the nurse for the first visit. So that means blood work and questions..all of that type of stuff. It is not this coming Wednesday but the Wednesday after so I will be around 9 weeks along. I mean you can't really tell with just the circle dating chart that I had leftover from my 1st pregnancy but it is all I have to go with right now. Do you think they will do a sonogram or any of the "fun stuff" this visit? DH wants to go but we have to go all the way to MIL's to drop DS off for him to go and it is a lot of extra work for DH to be sitting around while I get blood and do urine test and stuff. I guess I could call but when I asked for info about the visit they said it would just be with a nurse and would be tests and questions. I may call back and ask for more info but they sounded busy and I figure I will find out when I get to the appointment.

Also I am a VBAC patient with a very rough last pregnacy and odd incision scars. I really need my new doctor to read my chart to see if a midwife is even my best choice so I was hoping to be able to go over that and I'm assuming they won't even have my last pregnacy chart just yet and so if they decide that thye would prefer me going to someone a bit more specialized I may not find out tell the REAL midwife visit after the nurse one. How long is that usally after teh nurse one? This is a lot diffrent then when I had my son!
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