1st Trimester

Am I over reacting?

I found out I was pregnant a couple weeks ago with my first baby. My husband and I have been TTC for almost 2 years so we were very excited. We are both very close to our parents so we decided to tell our parents and my younger brother and his younger sister. But we specifically told each of them that we didn't want ANYONE outside our immediate family to know. I wanted to wait until after my first doctors appointment. But a couple days ago a friend of mine called me and congratulated me on the good news. I was obviously surprised that she knew. She said that she heard through the grapevine and that several people know. I am more then a little upset. This being my first baby I was really excited to be able to share this news with friends and relatives myself. I felt that it was my news to share but now that opportunity has been taken away from me. I suspect that it was my SIL that spilled the beans. I don't want to cause a conflict so I doubt that I'll say anything. But my husband thinks that there really isn't any reason for me to be upset. Is he right? Or do I have a right to be upset that I now don't have the opportunity to share my happy news myself? 
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