
Breastfeeding on a plane

I took my son on a plane from Florida to Indiana when he was 3 weeks old. My husband came with us, so BF on the plane was not an issue. I'm going again this weekend and unfortunately my husband will not be accompanying me. Im really nervous about BF this time. I don't feel comfortable BF next to a complete stranger 3 inches away..maybe a woman, but definitely not a man. Getting everything situated (unbuttoning my shirt, unhooking my bra, grtting him on, and then doing it all in reverse when hes done) in such tight quarters gives me anxiety. (ive only NIP twice, and that was at a restaraunt with my family..) I could bring a bottle, but I'm hoping if I BF, my baby will fall asleep and stay asleep most of the flight.

 I'm wondering if the stewardesses woud let me sit in their little area at the back of the plane for a few minutes...obviously not during take off or landing, as they will be sitting there, but maybe half way through... I was also thinking about calling Air Tran and requesting a seat in the back of the plane by the window to kind of shield myself..  

Anyone have experience with this, or suggestions?  

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