Single Parents

How did you go about initiating?

If you initiated your separation/ divorce how did you go about it?  How did you find a lawyer?  Did you tell your ex or go to the lawyer?  We have been on the verge of the big D for years.years.  I really think I am exhausted walking that line and am ready to jump.

I am concerned about the kids being with him for overnights, but they are his kids too and I am even ready to say fine to that.  He has said he will ruin me financially even if that means him wiping out his retirement to do so.  If he battled anything it would be a hardship financially.  We make about the same amount with me earning slightly more.  I just want to keep the house and be fair about supporting the kids.  I have a DD with special needs (spastic quad CP, non-mobile, non-verbal) and our house has a perfect layout for a wheelchair bound kid.


OKAY stop the blah.blah.blah :-)

 Let me know how to begin please.

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