
XP: LO won't take a bottle from DH

I BF, but pump one bottle a day for DD. I want her to know how to drink from a bottle and DH really wants to bond through feeding her, too. DS was a monster eater, so feeding him was always a pleasure.

She was hard to get to drink the bottle, but then finally did. Now she screams if the bottle is from him, but if I give it to her she downs it, no problem. The whole point was to give me a break and let him feed her.

I thought she was getting frustrated with the slow speed because her nursing has gotten so efficient, but medium flow nipples haven't helped. I gave him one of my shirts to drape on his shoulder thinking maybe my scent would help - no go.

We're both frustrated, but really I feel bad for DH. He feels so defeated and I think it's taking a toll on his ego. He things DD doesn't like him... 

Any tips? 

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