1st Trimester

Surprise at Appt!

Hi ladies! Yesterday I went in for my annual exam with my OBGYN. She asked if there was a possiblity if I could be pregnant and I said yes, but highly unlikely. We've been TTC since November and May was a particularly overwhelming and stressful month, and I figured my period was late because of that. I'd been talking myself out of all symptoms because I wanted to guard myself against getting my hopes up and I hadn't taken a HPT because I just didn't want to let my head go to that place only to be let down.

She ended up giving me an ultrasound and confirmed I was, in fact, pregnant! 5 1/2 weeks!!! The  tears started right there :) My husband and I are so excited, but we don't want to tell anyone because of course a miscarriage is possible. But I'm SO happy and had to spill the beans somewhere!!!

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