1st Trimester

First Trimester Screening Update

Hi all! Thanks so much to everyone who commented on my last post re my higher risk for a baby with Down Syndrome. We went to the specialist today and had our ultrasound and genetic counseling. The ultrasound pointed out that our due date was a few days off and we didn't want to risk doing the amino too early. Therefore, we decided to go with the MaterniT21 blood test. Thanks to everyone who made that recommendation - we are so much more at peace with that decision than going with the higher risk amino. We will find out the results in about 2 weeks.


On a good note we found out that our risk went down from 1:63 to 1:163 because the doctor could not find any issues in the ultrasound. Boy, our baby likes to wiggle around a lot. Also we found out we are having a girl :-) Super excited!!!!! 

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