
Normal EBF Behavior

LO is 2.5 weeks. I would say the amount he nurses is normal, but I couldn't even tell you it's every X hours for X minutes because it changes every day. He has good weight gain and we haven't had nursing problems since my milk came in and his jaundice went away at 5 days.

My question is for his age is it normal for NO ONE else to be able to soothe him? Even DH can't hold him for 15 minutes because he constantly wants to be ON me, nursing or not. If I want a shower, he cries pretty much the whole time, but then I wonder if he's hungry and feel guilty for letting him cry. DH has resorted to a paci a couple times when I just needed to shower and eat a meal without a baby strapped to my chest. But then I worry I'm hurting my supply or confusing him. We've tried walking, swaying, bouncing, singing, the swing and the bouncy chair. Opinions?

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