
Infant Scale - Rental vs. Purchasing

I have been struggling with issues BF for the last 10 weeks, but I have made a lot of progress and would love to be able to stop supplementing with formula, but I am having a lot of anxiety because of what happened early on (my baby went from 7 lbs 11 oz to 6 lbs 5 oz in the week after he was born because he was not getting much milk at all)!! I would feel better knowing how much milk he is getting.  The wet/dirty diaper count doesn't really make me feel better, because he still managing to have a lot of wet diapers before and was losing so much weight.

 So....I contacted the women's center at the hospital where I delivered because you can rent an infant scale there and I thought that would make me feel better, but the cost is $45/month (can only rent it by the month).  When I did a quick check online, there seem to be scales on Amazon that cost just a little more than that, so why rent, I should just buy so I can use it longer and maybe with the next baby it will come in handy.

Any recommendations on which scale to purchase?  Can I buy an infant scale at any local store so I don't have to wait the shipping time?  Target?  A pharmacy or medical equipment store?? 

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