1st Trimester

would you switch hospitals/ OBs?

I really like my OB.  However, after my first appointment I learned because of my risk factors (over 35 etc) my ultrasounds would need to be done elsewhere (the same place where my genetic testing would need to be done).  This means I would need to go more than just a few times. 

When you call the place you get a voicemail and they say they will call you back in 1-2 days.  From what I understood from my OB, It seems they rarely answer the phone and you normally get an answering machine.  I've been trying to make an appt since Monday.  I called them on Monday, they called me back on Wednesday then I called them back and left another message yesterday.  It isn't that easy to reach me at work because of meeting etc. I am very concerned about the ease and frustration of getting appointments and calling with questions.

This has really left a bad taste in my mouth and has gotten me thinking of switching to another hopsital that has better prenatal testing options. However, I would also have to switch OBs :-(  The other hospital is the same distance; however,  the OB would be much closer to my work.   


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