
Insomnia and EBF

I have been successfully EBF my son for 11 weeks now. I've started to have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, crying, and not feeling like myself. This week I sought help and am being treated for PPD. I love nursing my son but a typical night he eats and is asleep at 9, eats at 12, 3, 5:30, 7. Sometimes he sleeps longer and will eat at 1 and 4 or some variation. But I'm having trouble going to sleep after any of the feeds, regardless of the time, and sometimes I wake up and can't fall back asleep. I know people say you adjust to lack of sleep, but I just can't seem to do that, I feel like I'm failing.

 My question is, how often can I let my husband give bottles at night to let me sleep 8 hours in a row? I need to sleep to feel like myself and I take care of my son. But I also don't want my supply to suffer. I was thinking maybe one night every one to two weeks my husband can give expressed milk?  I was planning to do the last feeding of the evening, pump an hour later, go to bed, and pump as soon as I get up.  That way I still signal to my body that I missed two feedings.  Does anyone have any suggestions? 

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