
Big, painful problems

Since DD has been teething more, her latch has been funky.  I keep getting these nipple blisters.  I used the Kellymom directions and got rid of one yesterday.  Now my boob feels like it won't empty.  I'm wondering if I'm all clogged up because milk isn't effectively coming out of that breast.  I pumped this AM and got a decent amount (5 oz) from that side, which is less than normal, but a good showing.  Now my breast is KILLING ME.  It's hard and hurts ot the touch.  My poor nip on that side is also killing me.  I am using APNO.  I am also currently on Augmentin for a sinus infection (started yesterday) so I am thinking I probably won't get mastitis from this... So, what are the best things you have done for a clogged duct(s)?  What about healing a crack right on your nipple?  Is it possible to get mastitis while on antibiotics?  This just started, so I am going to give it some time, but when should I go see a Dr for this???  Teething is totally ruining my nursing.

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