Babies on the Brain

I can't decide if I'm overreacting or not (clinic samples warning if you're queasy)

We study Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the tear ducts and salivary glands. Our patients have very dry eyes and dry mouth. We have 2 types of saliva collection-stimulated and unstimulated. Stimulated means we put citric acid on their tongue before collection. For the unstimulated, we have them spit in a tube for 20 mins or so, and then I aliquot the samples. The tubes are preweighed so I can get a difference in weight in grams. Whenever someone doesn't make any saliva, I weigh the tube afterwards so we have a final weight. The unstimulated is more important than the stimulated.

Here's where I'm not sure if it's my OCD overreacting or if I should say something: the tech who processes the stimulated saliva doesn't post-weigh the tube if they didn't get any saliva. To me, this is missing data, and it's inaccurate because we don't have a post-weight recorded. IMO, you should always post-weigh the tube, even if they didn't produce saliva or if there was a technical error (which happens occasionally in the stimulated saliva collection). Out of 5 patients yesterday, she didn't record post-weights for the stimulated (SSF) for 3 of the 5. I know there were technical issues with 2 of them, but IMO, the tubes should be weighed anyway. It's making my eye twitch. This tech and I don't get along very well though, so I'm worried that saying something could cause tension.

imageimage 318/13,000=2.5% Started TTC in June 2008. Took a few breaks here and there. We started TTC again in Jan 2012. TTC #1, Cycle 33.
My Knitting Blog Bio Experiments With Running
I've given up charting but here's the link anyway.
Bonafide thread killah
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