
Is it too late?

Hey ladies,

 My supply has decreased in the last couple of weeks.  My LO is 14 weeks old and has been in daycare for about a month and a half.  When I first went back to work, I was pumping 3x a day and getting around 17-19 oz.  Now, I'm still pumping 3x and getting only 12-15.  LO usually takes 4 4oz bottles while I'm gone.  Most days, I barely make enough for that or just under.  There was a period where some days I would only pump twice because work was so insanely busy.  I know that has to something to do with my decreased supply.  Stress may also be a factor.

Is it too late to try to get my supply back up?  I'm going to add another session in the morning before work and then again after LO gets up for his night feeding.  I've also started eating oatmeal and am trying to drink more water.  Do you think I need to try fenugreek or should I wait and see how the added sessions do?

I'm so worried that my supply will not increase or will continue to decrease and I will have to supplement.  I do have a freezer stash and don't tap into it very often and don't plan to if I can help it.   

 Thanks :) 

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