
I want to EBF, husband wants to FF

After lots of early problems breastfeeding, we have finally gotten the hang of it and I've been so excited to wean off of formula.

The problem? DS breastfeeds a *lot* (lots of cluster feeding) and my husband is interpreting it as "oh, he must not be getting enough if he's at your breast so often" and the evening witching hour fussiness is convincing him even more that that is what's going on.

I don't know how to convince him that these are normal behaviors and don't mean DS isn't getting enough calories. He asks - "how do you know how much he's getting?" which of course I can't answer except with "he has enough wet diapers and he's gaining weight" which doesn't convince him. So I just agreed to DH's suggestion of giving DS one bottle of formula a day, at bedtime, to be sure he's getting enough calories and possibly will sleep longer at night.

Any suggestions to help DH believe that DS isn't starving?

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