
A pumping question

Hi all, 

I got my first PP period this week and my supply has been hit. I'm starting to get it back, but I  have a pumping question. We have to use bottles of BM on Sundays because I am not home for two feedings. When my supply is normal, I usually just pump before I go to bed (about 3 hours after DS goes to bed for the night). I typically get about 2-4 oz at that pumping session. Since my supply has been hit, I have been pumping for at least 20 minutes after the first two nursing sessions of the day. I am lucky to get an ounce out of these pumping sessions. My question is this, should I be pumping at all 4 nursing sessions PLUS the extra pumping at night before bedtime? The only reason I do not pump between the 3rd and 4th and then between the 4th and my bedtime is that, the 3rd and 4th feedings are only 3ish hours apart, all other feedings are 4 hours apart. Then I don't typically pump between the 4th and bedtime because I'm going to be pumping at bedtime anyway. Should I just go ahead and pump at all of the feedings plus bedtime until my supply is back to normal? 

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