
Pls share your nursing strike/aversion success stories

LO is almost 3mo old and has been putting up a huge fit at the boob and the problem has gotten progressively worse in the last few weeks. We started him on Pepcid on Monday (he's also an epic spit-uper and weight gain was slow this past month) which I think may be helping, but since this weekend he has been largely unwilling to nurse. I can get him on during the night and for an occasional nibble during the day. We've been spending as much time as possible skin-to-skin and I've also been pumping and giving bottles. I know the last part is probably not ideal, but it's at the advice of an LC who I trust and who urged me not to be too aggressively pushing the nursing for fear of turning him off completely. She is hopeful that things will return to normal since he is tentatively coming back. It's just so hard to be chained to the house all day, sitting around naked, hoping he'll nurse then having to abort when he gets all worked up. I'm also afraid I'm missing his growth spurt with this nonsense.

Any encouraging words? Tx. Sad

DS 04.25.08 DS 03.14.12 missed m/c 9w1d :: 6.18.10 :: d&c | missed m/c 9w3d :: 11.2.10 :: d&c
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