
How many times a day to pump at work?

Hi ladies, I wanted a bit of advice on pumping and working.

My daughter is 14 weeks old and is EBF.  I've been so lucky because BFing has been easy for me, but I'm starting to get nervous now that I'm back to work.  I returned to work 1.5 weeks ago and, overall things have been going well.  It took a few days, but she is enthusiastically taking about 10.5 oz a day.  I typically pack 12 oz (which is what I produce in a day) and 1.5 oz gets tossed because she doesn't finish all of her bottles.

Anyway, my schedule for the last week was as follows:

6:30 am: wake baby, feed

9 am, 11:45 am, and 2:30 pm: pump

4:30-5:00: feed baby

This week I've been dragging.  I feel like taking 3 pumping breaks is just too much and breaks up my routine and I can't get productive.  I have a cold and I've just been really down about the entire situation.  Today I took 2 pumping breaks (at 10 and 1:30) and got 10 ounces.  I feel like even if I get less, if I just pump twice during the weekend, I'd make up that 10 ounces that I need each week. 

I felt so much less stressed with only taking 2 pumping sessions, but I'm worried that I'm setting myself up for failure.  My initial goal of BFing was 6 months, but it had been going so well I changed it to 12 months.  I'm all of a sudden nervous that I won't make it. 

Has anyone only done 2 pumping sessions at work and made it work?  Everything I've read says that you should take 4...what do you do?

imageMilford Sound in New Zealand
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