
How long did it take at the beginning?

Soo this is my second post for the day...

My baby is just five days old so we're just getting the hang of things.  So far I think my milk is coming in, but I can't be sure how well.  Baby is latching on very well, but he's wanting to nurse for almost an hour...that includes both breasts.  Right now we are feeding about every 2.5 hours.  And even after being with me for almost an hour he is still really fussy after and still acts hungry.  I'm worried that he's not getting enough.  We supplemented with formula in the hospital and the first day or two at home.  He did great without the formula yesterday, but today was rough.  We had to go back to giving him some after nursing with me.  I just nursed for about 20 min each side and hubby still had to give him 20 cc of formula after.  

 Anyone else have experience with supplementing?  I don't want him to get used to the formula but he has to eat.  How long did you supplement? 

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