
I just need to vent

I am having such a hard time with DD's weight.  3 Weeks ago she ended upin the hospital for weight loss.  She went from 8lbs to 7.10lbs.  Once in the hospital they had me pump all bottles so that they knew exactly how much she was taking in.  This was my first time pumping so initially I was only getting 2-3oz per session.  The doctor wanted her taking no less than 4 oz.  So I supplemented the rest with formula.  By the end of her stay I was pumping between 3-4oz(I'm still pumping about this much.  Maybe a little more). She ended up gaining 5oz while there.  When we got home I stated bf again and she slowly started to refuse the formula.  Sunday she started to get super fussy and that continued inot the week.  So yesterday I took her to see the dr.  Her regular pedi wasn't there so we saw someone else.  She had only gained 2 ounces in 3 weeks and had lost an ounce yesterday.  So he wanted me to pump and give her Nutramigen.  She took it at first but then started to refuse it as well.  When I took her back today she weighed 9.3lbs.  You do have to take her clothing into consideration,  (cotten today verses linen yeterday).  So now he wants her to try another formula. It's just so frustating to bust your but trying to make something work and then see it all fall apart.  He wants me to keep pumping but part of me wants to just quit.  If she's not gettting what seh needs from me then why bother.  Before making that decision though I want to see her regular pedi and see what she has to say.  I just want my baby to thrive.  Before all this she was only averaging 2 oz a week in weight gain and her pedi was fin with this.  She said that she would most likely be a petite baby.  What do ya'll think?  Part of me wants to hold of on formula until I see her dr.  The other part wants to just go ahead with the formula and see what happens.  I am so confused and frustrated.

Let me apologize for this post being all over the place.

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