
I don't wanna feel like a failure. ( I need a pick me up mommies)

I have been determined to breastfeed my 2nd son who was just born June 1st( 9 days early yay!) I have my spouse who is a great support of me breastfeeding but I don't think my body wants to cooperate. My son  latched on great in the hospital with the liquid gold but now that i'm home and the milk has come in.....  My milk came so fast !  I bought a manual pump with the idea that  I can actually give my son my breast milk without supplementing.(also I can't get an electric pump from WIC until 2 weeks before I go back to work)  I'm so engorged that he can't eat from me but the breast milk goes in a bottle. Long story short, I need advice from other mommies who have been here. Where as your baby can't eat from you but he still gets your milk just in bottle form. Also I have to supplement with formula now a couple times a day because sometimes my breasts just don't wanna cooperate with the breast pump all the time. Sorry if this seems a little long... I didn't want to leave anything out. Please help me out!
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