
Reassure me that failure to BF LO#1 doesn't mean the same for LO#2

I felt pretty strongly about BF DD, and we did for the first week, but there were some complications.  First, my milk didn't come in for over 5 days, and she kept losing weight in the hospital.  Her pediatrician was encouraging us to supplement with formula, but the LCs at the hospital kept telling us not to because nature would provide.  I should have listened to the pedi, but I kept thinking that formula would be the death of nursing altogether.

After my milk came in, we thought DD would gain weight, but she didn't.  She ended up going into a sleep coma where she would not wake to eat (the theory was that she was too weak to do so).  We had to physically cause her pain and force feed her by bottle until she could gain weight, which thankfully only took a few days.

She thrived on the bottle, and every time we went back to nursing, she'd get a good latch, everything would look great, but she'd lose more weight.  Even the LCs couldn't figure it out.  So, I reluctantly EPed, struggling with supply issues, for about four months until I couldn't take it any longer.

Now, with LO#2 on the way, I'd really like to be able to successfully BF, but I have so many fears and worries about failing again.  I am not willing to EP again.  I may do it for a few weeks, but not long-term.  Call me selfish, but with DD to look after too, it's just not something I'm willing to do.  Any tips to ensure that things go well this time?  I've learned a lot from the first experience, but I'm hoping you ladies can reassure me that one failure doesn't equal another.

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