
Increasing time between feedings (long)

Here's a little background: My DD is 6 1/2 months old and I am a SAHM who EBF.  Once in awhile I will pump and my DH will give her a bottle, but it's very rare. 

The past few weeks DD has been nursing every 2 hours during the day (she has done this since day one) and ever 1-2 hours at night.  She used to nurse twice a night but now it's at least 5-6 times per night and it is making me exhausted.  I thought it was a growth spurt at first but now it's been weeks. 

I tried to night wean by cutting down the time she nurses by 30 seconds per feeding each night but she just woke up more often. I have stopped solids and given her more solids and neither seemed to change anything. 

I am taking More Milk Plus because it seems like my supply might be decreasing which could explain why she needs to eat more frequently.  (I was taking Fenugreek for the last 5 days and just switched to More Milk Plus yesterday.) 

I have also tried pulping after feedings at least once a day.  I get somewhere between 2 drops and 1/2 ounce after 20-30 minutes of pumping.

Any other ideas how to help her stretch out her night feedings?  I don't mind nursing her at night but doing it so many times is getting tiring.  Plus my nipples are getting really sore because she pulls at them when she nurses.  Ouch.  TIA

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