
Worried about supply: How to do a "nursing vacation" w/ a 6mth LO?

I feel like my supply is starting to decrease and it's freaking me out... the girls just feel squishy all the time and look smaller and a week ago DD would pig out on one side be finished in 5-10mins and good for 3-4hours, lately she is eating from both sides but still for only 10mins max and she fusses the entire time. I read on kellymom that sometimes this will happen and not have anything to do with supply but I'm still worried. Even when she goes 5 or 6 hours between feedings they don't get any fuller... to go from over supply and overactive letdown to this is freaking me out. So I want to try to beef it up again with my tea and my pump and I'd like to try a nursing vacation but I'm really not sure how I can do it now with DD being 6months and so much more active! I know your supposed to stay in bed all day nursing whenever she wants it but what about when she doesn't want it? How do I keep her entertained? We have such a schedule and she loves her jumper and has a pretty good pattern going with her naps in her crib and we're also eating lunch and dinner now so I'm not sure how to go about this :/
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