
Taking the bottle - HELP!!!

Hi ladies -

I have been MIA from the bump since delivering but in need of some help.

DD#2 is just shy of 4 months old, and I've just returned to work.  We started trying to get her to take the bottle at 2.5 months with no luck.  We worked on it all the way until I came back to work.  NO LUCK!  We thought that with me gone all day at work, she'd get so hungry she'd finally cave...WRONG.  She refuses to take the bottle while I'm at work.  She nurses before I take DD#1 to daycare and I head to work(around 6:30am) and nurses when I get home (around 5:30).  She'll nurse through the evening but still STTN.

My question is: What tricks do you guys have to getting your LOs to take the bottle?  Or even take milk!!  We've tried the Foley cup, spoons, syringes, about 10 different nipples/brands.  UGH!!

I wouldn't worry but she's already lost weight.  We have a call into our LC but thought maybe some of you may have some suggestions.  PLEASE and THANK YOU!

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