
I'm failing at breastfeeding, please help

Long story short, I wasn't able to breastfeed with my first LO.  He was 10 weeks early so I pumped, my supply dropped despite trying everything and after 2 months we switched to formula.  I was disappointed and cried a lot.

Now LO #2 was full term, first week bfing was rough but I made it through.  The second week got better and now things are horrible (he's 3 weeks old).  He started pinching my nipple and I got really sore. I was ready to quit so, I got a lactation consult. We've also been to the chiro, had craino sacral therapy performed (today).

Lactation said that he is not keeping his tongue down and is pushing my nipple up into his palate (pinching it) every time he sucks.  It's very painful.  My nipples are a hot mess.  They are bruised, and raw.  In addition to him pinching me, he is flutter sucking.

She gave me a nipple shield to use but even that is difficult because of where he puts his tongue.  She wants me to pump for the next few days to heal my nipples and then see them again.

I am so tired.  I have a 22 month old at home and now I have to EP for the next few days which is even harder than feeding a 3 week old in the first place.

Any advice?  I so want to be done but I would never forgive myself for quitting.  

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