1st Trimester

my bosses

I work in a very liberal retail setting in Hawaii and although things here on the island are less proper, I'm upset and P*ssed off!

First I had emailed my assistant manager after speaking with the store manager about dropping a few hours for the next 7 weeks of the first tri. No where in the email did I say please scream out to the entire team that I'm pregnant. I was only 7 weeks! So now the entire staff knows, and we hadn't even told some of our close friends.

Over the next several weeks both assistant managers have been "interrogating" me about what my plan is (we do not have maternity leave). When I say "interrogating" it's done in a very sly and concerning way.

Last night one manager saw a Mom carrying her little boy and said to me in front of her, "look that's you're little boy". I didn't and could not say anything it was so weird.

Then later on the other manager started to tell me how she told on of the coaches at the gym I go to that I was pregnant and I won't go to the gym because I'm pregnant. She then proceeded to ask me why I'm still working because what she knows about military families, we don't need to work. I responded that actually most enlisted military does not make enough money to support a family and I like working and having my own money.

Looking back on all of this I wish I had better responses.

I wish there was something I could do to correct their behavior, yet not risk getting the boot.

Any thoughts ladies?

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