1st Trimester

First Trimester Screening Results

Hello! Two weeks ago I received a call from my doctor telling me that as a result of the first trimester screening I have a high risk (1:63) of having a baby with Downs Syndrome. I was really taken by surprise on this b/c when I went in for the screening the radiologist said that based on my ultrasound it appears that the baby does not have any indication of having DS and I was at a low risk. Then when I spoke with my doctor she said that my risk was higher because my hcg levels came back really high (she didn't tell me how high they were and I was in too much in shock to even ask). I am so mad at the radiologist b/c he was so definitive when he told me my risk was low and now I feel totally blind-sided.

I am in my 15th week of pregnancy and am 32 years old. This is my first pregnancy and I am really worried. I have an appointment with a specialist on Thursday for another ultrasound and potentially an amnio. My DH and I are leaning towards the amnio b/c we want to have a definitive answer but I am nervous about the risks involved.

Has anyone had any similar circumstances you could share? Did you decide to take the amnio or not? Any guidance/support would be GREATLY appreciated!
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