
Advice for nursing and a tricky day care situation

Ok, my situation is very specific so I don't know if anyone out there has experience or maybe just some outside perspective/advice to share with me :) 

 My 11 month old has been in daycare in the same building as me since I came back to work when he was 2 months old.  It's been an absolute blessing that most times when he needs to nurse I am available to go down and feed him, especially since he's never taken a bottle of mommy's milk well.

The assistant director of the day care has an office with tinted windows so moms can nurse their babies in privacy and quiet.  It works out great because she has an extra desk in the adjoining office so she can work from there.  We are very thankful she lets us use her office, and we often write her thank you notes and leave her little treats because I am grateful we get to continue this bond (my body has never responded well to a pump though I don't have supply issues, without being able to BF on the job we may not still be going strong!)

At about 6 months I was talking to the director and joked about how she was probably sick of us using her office (mind you, it's now only twice a day and for 5-10 minutes tops and she usually isn't around for either feeding because one is during her lunch break and the other after she leaves for the day).  She made some comment like "Well he's not even one yet so it's fine, but after a year we'll have some problems."  She was serious, but I just didn't address it because I had no idea where we would be in our breastfeeding journey in 6 months.

Yesterday she was subbing in my son's classroom and I was telling the other teacher he would probably have an early nap because we are night weaning and he had a rough night.  The Asst. director said to my son "You're a big boy now, you don't need that".  I said well I would have let him keep night nursing but after the last 8 months of waking 5-10 times a night I am desperate for sleep, but then I said to my son " but you can nurse all you want during the day!".  She then responds, "No, you're too big for that too.  Too big to be nursing."  I said "No, it's ok with me and your doctor, and I know it's ok with you!", trying to keep the situation light but let her know where we stand.

My little guy moves up to the toddler room in 2 weeks and I know they want me to wean him, for whatever reasons.  The thing is, he LOVES to nurse more than anything, and it's a great time of bonding for us during the day, so we have no intentions of stopping right at one year.  And she knows the AAP says AT LEAST one year of nursing, but apparently she doesn't feel like that equates with being a "big boy".  I don't quite know how to handle the situation.  I plan to keep nursing him, but if using her office is the issue I would happily trek him to my office and add 20 minutes to the feeding session just so we could have it.  My office isn't really baby friendly at all (there are molding pipes running through it) and I really feel that that would disrupt the flow of his day and my day, but I guess I don't know how else to approach it.

 Thoughts or ideas?  Thanks in advance!

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