
Sweet Baby is almost 1 and I don't know how to stop! :(

This is my first breast fed baby and he'll be 1 on the 15th of June.  We have exclusively breastfed this whole time and I am sooooo proud of us!! :) 

He uses my breast as a comfort at night and when going to sleep for naps.  I don't know how to ease out of this.  He eats solids and does well.  Doesn't eat or drink a lot, but evidently gets what he needs.  He is excellent on height and weight, but I think it is because he is still nursed. UGH!!!


I guess I just need to know the best way to ween him off nursing.  I planned on nursing him to 12 months and don't think I want to go way past.  I am sure that sounds a little selfish, sorry.  He has just started to nibble every once in a while with his one little tooth- even better reason to stop. :)


Any advice is greatly appreciated!!!  Thanks!! 

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