1st Trimester


 Sorry for the rant!                                                                                                         

So tomorrow I am 7 weeks and I have my first u/s! My fianc? and I are completely over the moon about my pregnancy. We absolutely adore children. About 10 months ago my finace's brother and sister-in-law had a baby, but he was about 3 months premature. This was the first baby to brought into the family so it was extremely heartbreaking not knowing what was going to happen. But now he baby is beautiful and happy and healthy and a true blessing to our family.                      

Now I am pregnant and my fiance's sister-in-law is just stressing me out. From the time I was first introduced to the family I felt like she was concerned she'd no longer be the " center of attention". She has "faked" her happiness I feel like about everything. She is so catty. She has told many people about my pregnancy and it's making me so aggravated. She is telling her ( my future) mother-in-law I'm telling people and I'm not. I have told 2 of my close friends and he has told 2 close friends and of course our parents but im afraid she's telling more people.                             

Everything is a competition to her and she is constantly trying to one up me on things and I don't want to be around people like that. She won't even let me hold her child.... I'm all for always being the bigger person but she is trying to ruin my surprise. And I am absolutely terrified that God forbid something go wrong and the world knows I'm pregnant... It's just upsetting to me. Am I being irrational to be so annoyed with her?  

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