
freezing from the fridge?

So I am trying to get my freezer stocked up for when I go back to work in July but I am not a super efficient pumper. If I pump after I feed I am lucky to get an ounce total. So here's my question. How soon does BM need to go in the freezer after its been pumped? I've been combining the milk from my pumping sessions so I can freeze at least 2 ounces at a time. But sometimes that means the milk sits in the fridge until the next day when I pump enough to bag it up and freeze it. I'm not sure if this is even ok to do but I hate to use up a bunch of freezer bags with less than an ounce of BM. I also need to add a few pumping sessions I think because I'm not pumping that often. And I plan to get a bigger size breast shield for my pump because I think that may be contributing to my inefficient pumping.
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