
kind of sick thinking about this

When I BF DD, I pumped into bottles, gave it to her daycare provider and she put it into bottles for her.  DS2 is being watched by my ILs 3 days a week now, so I'm making the bottles.  I'm making him three 3 oz bottles to start and he's doing fine on them.  I'm pumping 21-25 oz a day, so the leftover is getting frozen.  I have so much frozen milk now, at least in comparison to the none I had leftover last time.

I'm just sick thinking about all of the milk that was probably tossed for DD!  I pumped for 11 mos and supplemented with formula from 9 mos on at daycare.  Probably could have avoided all of that if I'd made the bottles myself.  =(

DS1 age 7, DD age 5 and DS2 born 4/3/12
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