Single Parents

Anyone good with legal issues?

So this is in question to my 4 year old and I'm wondering if any of you moms know about this issue. My (ex)husband and I are legally separated...meaning we have our separation agreement but we aren't divorced yet as I moved back in December and in order for me to be able to file here in Virginia, I have to wait 6 months. The ex hasn't really been in contact with his son (he lives in Florida but he moved there himself so he put the distance between him and his son) and until today it had been almost a month since I've heard from him. I didn't want him to have my phone # so I bought my son a little go phone that his father could call to talk and it was barely used so I stop paying for it. I never got any e-mails in question about it...until today. Our agreement says he can have our son for 2 months this summer starting 3 days after school is out BUT not until our divorce is finalized. Since I haven't heard from him in a while, I just went on like normal. However when he e-mailed today and I told him the issue, he went NUTS! He's said everything from he's going to go for full custody to the fact that he's going to show up here with the police and my son's bags better be packed. The only reason why our divorce is stagnant is he was being a smart ass about his new address (to find out he never moved) and he wanted to send our 4 year old to summer camp where he didn't meet age or school requirements. I told him I could get moving once I had his address and a plan for childcare. After about 5 e-mails he finally gave me his address and a new plan for childcare (which I will call to find out if he is enrolled) but if he shows up here next week, he'll be in violation of our agreement because we aren't allowed to go to each other's house or work without an agreement...does any mom think I'm just being a ***? I feel like I'm going along with the agreement we both signed and he's just not realizing that it's his fault this is delayed...
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